

On the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, the School for Classical Ballet of Zagrebpresents a monography entitled “The Fiftieth Anniversary of the School for Classical Ballet”. All the evants and importand persons that have directly or indirectly contributed to the development of the ballet and the education of ballet dancers in Croatia have been presented in chronological order in the monography…

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A l´occasion de cinquante ans de son existence, l´École pour le ballet classique de Zagreb, présente la monographie entituleé „Cinquante ans de l´existence de L´École de ballet classique de Zagreb“…

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Prvi podaci o poduci scenskog plesa u Zagrebu datiraju iz sredine 19. stoljeća, a nalaze se u izvorima vezanim uz gostujuće strane kazališne družine. Nakon osnutka Hrvatskog zemaljskog kazališta, koje 1861. Hrvatski sabor uzima pod svoju zaštitu, paralelno s razvojem glazbenog repertoara, ples se sve više pojavljuje na pozornici i postaje nezaobilazan uz dramu i operu. Godine 1894. intendant Stjepan Miletić osamostaljuje balet i osposobljava ga za nastupe…

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